Identitas Produk
Merek: CocoLatte, Model: CL08 iSport with Travel Bag
Jenis: Lightweight Baby Stroller, Kategori Produk: Baby Stroller
Spesifikasi Produk
Detail Produk
Beban Maksimum: 15kg; Usia: 6 s/d 36 bulan
Dimensi Produk: Saat dilipat: L = 39cm, W = 58cm, H = 38cm; Saat dibuka: L = 69cm, W = 58cm, H = 98cm.
Kemasan: Berat Kotor: 5kg; Berat Bersih: 4kg; Dimensi Kemasan: 66cm x 33cm x 30cm
CocoLatte CL08 iSport Lightweight Baby Stroller is convenient for travelling and storage and including travel bag
Daftar harga: Kereta Bayi CocoLatte
Link terkait: Daftar Harga Kereta Bayi
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