
Kereta Dorong Bayi Babyelle S700 Curv Lightweught

Kereta Bayi BabyElle s700 Curv

Babyelle S700 Curv Kereta Dorong Bayi Lightweight

Identitas Produk

Merek Babyelle, Nomor dan Nama Model S700 Curv New Red
Jenis Produk Kereta Bayi, Kategori Produk Baby Stroller

Spesifikasi Produk

  • Five-points safety harness
  • Multi-position reclining seat back
  • Lightweight and compact frame for easy travel
  • Foldable Canopy
  • Detachable front tray dan cup holder
  • Large storage basket

Detail Produk

Usia New Born - 3 Tahun; Beban Maksimum 15kg

Comply with European Safety Standard EN1888. This product is produced in accordance with the new European Safety Standards ensuring maximum safety and comfort for your child.

Daftar harga:

Link Terkait: Daftar Harga Kereta Bayi

Mahasarana Sukses™ | tokosarana™ | mahasarana™ ©2009-2013
A Bricks and Clicks Business: Melayani Penjualan Offline dan Online

5 komentar:

  1. mw tny yg bs muat beban sekitar 20kgan itu stroller yg mana ya?

    1. Maaf, saat ini kereta bayi yang tersedia dengan beban maksimum 15kg

  2. masih ada stok Kereta Bayi BabyElle s700 Curv yg warna navy blue..? n hrganya brp skarang ?

  3. apa msi ada stok Kereta Bayi BabyElle s700 Curv wrn navy blue ? hrgnya brp skr ?

  4. Maaf,Kereta Bayi BabyElle BS-S700 Curv Lightweight habis,bagaimana kalau ambil Kereta Bayi BabyElle S800 Infinite Roda Tiga with Travel Bag
    Rp1.385.000,harga tidak termasuk ongkos kirim.
